So the other day I posted about a deposit of Eth that I sent to my coinbase account that did not show up in my portfolio. I was left in limbo for weeks.
The post really blew up which I wasn’t expecting. The support I got from the community here was amazing and it definitely helped me get a resolution as coinbase were very quick to act after I tagged their reddit account in the comments.
Within an hour of me tagging them, the correct amount of Eth was moved into my portfolio, I got an email from a customer service rep giving me some actual information about what went wrong (no in depth details but they said it was a bug on their side) and they gave me info on how to make a complaint. I did this because even though my deposit had been credited at last, the coins had lost value during the 6 weeks they were in limbo, and I was pretty disappointed with how they had handled the problem.
I filed the complaint immediately and today I got a credit to my account in BTC that accounts for the loss of value of my tokens, and a bit more as a goodwill gesture because of the poor response I had received before. It’s not a huge amount or anything but I’m pretty happy with this result.
Really I’m just posting to say thank you to you all for your support. People shouldn’t need to do stuff like this to get issues with their money resolved, but I guess that’s just how it is sometimes.
It was mind blowing to see just how many other people have had issues with coinbase go unresolved. The core of the problem seems to be that their customer service team is severely understaffed, but I don’t know for sure.
Do I trust coinbase again now that this has been resolved? Probably not, just because of the amount of people who commented saying they had similar issues and were being ignored.
There were some great recommendations for other exchanges, I won’t name any specifically but I’m going to try my best to stick with DEXs from now on. As a few people said, the best way to remove the risk of foul play and errors is to remove humans from the equation, and this is a great feature of DEXs.
So once again I just want to thank this community for all your support and wish you the best of luck for the coming year 🚀
submitted by /u/Latespoon
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