This sub and many others are starting to fill up with trash. I cannot go more than 2 comments before there’s some snide remark about how you should already know ______ before you do ______ but refuse to expand on it, thus resulting in a passive aggressive dick measure contest for the next 10 comments down. I just watched someone ask what “Long/Short” meant on an exchange and then proceeded to be told to go look it up by multiple people. Only one person explained it in less than 10 words.
I get it. The questions get asked a lot. They may prove that there is in fact dumb questions after all. This is also not exclusive to crypto but some are trying to make it by the effort they put in.
Me trying to get on p2pool to mine: it took 4 very gracious people to take time out of their day to help because everyone wants to screech “JUST FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS” when we actually found some bugs in the whole process.
Things to note that people seem to forget a lot:
1) computer illiteracy is very much a thing still to this day. Drive an hour outside of your city any direction and you will start to see it very quickly as the area becomes more rural.
2) internet is still not available to every person, daddy Elons space internet isn’t working for everyone right now (I don’t even get a chance till late 2022 to test it, rn I get 0.32mbps up 0.15 down on my family’s $150 broadband internet)
3) most peoples introduction into crypto is stuff like cash app and social media like Facebook and instagram. They have most likely never seen an exchange for crypto. They may not know what a private key is in the slightest.
You add all of these together to a technology that’s ever evolving by the literal minute, laws and companies trying new ways to do anything with bitcoin good and bad daily, the scams and rugpulls, and now: a fan base who has 13 definitions for what a jpeg is and want to play around in VRChat but with crypto stuff and Facebook. You need a middle ground, and the burden is on you/me/us to educate and not infodump.
The “mining isn’t profitable it’s all done by industry mining” has been an argument that has been going on for years just to hear people go “man I wish I didn’t listen to my friends who told me not to mine!”
There already massive infighting within multiple coins as we speak.
Why can’t we all just admit that even the most veteran crypto day trader is still as new to this as we are each day that goes by?
Better people than I have already spoke about this topic but I feel it cannot be said enough. It’s 6am and I’ve been staring at this mining screen longer than I should because i had to skim so many of these conversations to get this thing to work the way it needed to.
Everyday we stray further from the actual purpose of bitcoin and p2p currency and we’re just letting it happen. Do better.
May your coins moon to make your day brighter.
submitted by /u/dav_ooh
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