Hi all
This is a light hearted crystal ball shill post about the best performing crypto in 2022.
Backstory: I bought Luna at $5.8 and Sol at $29 in around March 2021 and was excited to sell a couple of days later Luna at $9 and Sol at $36. You can imagine how I felt when Luna topped at $100 later in the year and Sol went to $250. Hey I made profits but FML.
The current market situation is a mix between interesting and boring as we don’t know what will happen next. Bitcoin is going between $42-45k for a while now and can go either way imo. Let’s hope that it will go up to the much desired $100k mark and then Lambos for everyone.
So now I have been looking at my crystal ball/glass and its empty again but it also starts speaking to me and I get the feeling that Atom and DOT is doing very well in 2022. CRO might also overtake Binance as the most popular trading app and if that happens, we might see another 5-6x. Tezos is doing really well already and with all their partnerships in particular Ubisoft, this could go up big times.
What crypto are you excited about in 2022?
submitted by /u/LetsGoToTheMars
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