There are some posts going around that the SuperBowl ads will start the next bull run. So here is some history.
The 2000 SuperBowl was known as the DotCom SuperBowl – it marked the spectacular top and was followed by the crash of the entire dotcom market, sinking many of the companies that advertised there.
Some of the infamous companies to advertise in 2000 SuperBowl include AutoTrader dot com, Britannica, Computer dot com, epidemic dot com, hotjobs dot com, MicroStrategy, OnMoney dot com, pets dot com etc.
Many of these companies died or ended up being acquired on the cheap by bigger entities. Even the ones that survived like MicroStrategy went through a 90% correction in asset price and had multiple decades before even beginning to recover in price. MSTR is still below its 2000 highs.
The Nasdaq took 14 years, from 2000 to 2014 to recover to the same levels as the 2000 tops.
SuperBowl advertisements dont mean jack shit.
“History Doesn’t Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes” – Mark Twain.
submitted by /u/Set1Less
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