Hello all, the following was my experience going through a card upgrade with Crypto.com.
I had most of my CRO locked up in the defi wallet and was in the process of waiting the 28 days to move it over. I had a few more just sitting in my regular wallet and figured I’d put them in the 6% staking for a few days since customer service had confirmed that they could be pulled out easily and added to my card stake:
I informed them that I had never received my original card from time to time and they assured me it was on its way and that it was just supply chain issues. Well, I kept checking in and they ultimately conceded that it was “lost”. This was a pretty big inconvenience, but I understood there were supply chain issues and was willing to give them a pass. I told the rep to just hold off on sending another card at that tier because I would be upgrading at the end of the month when my defi stake cleared:
The time comes, I message them a day ahead of time because I know how slow support can be. I want to make sure they’re ready when the defi stake comes over:
I noticed them taking an extraordinarily long time to update the stake, so I reached out to confirm that I would remain eligible if the market crashed in a few days. They confirmed this:
Even more time goes by. At this point I think it’s day 2 or 3 of messaging support for updates. Then I get the message below where they claim I’m no longer eligible:
I continue to explain to the CSR that this account has already been locked in and that it’s a done deal. There must be some confusion on their end. I let them know that if they wait for another three days, I may no longer be eligible so it’s very important the account is noted as already locked in. The only reason it has been updated yet is because support is dragging their feet:
Finally, they get it together and confirm that my new card has been issued and will be received in 7-14 days. It was a huge time sink even getting to this point, but at least it was done:
Or so I thought… After about another day or two of waiting and asking why my status hasn’t changed, I get this:
They took away my card and are refusing to correct the situation. Honestly, I don’t know what I expected. I feel kind of foolish for trusting a company like this in the first place.
Crypto.com support bounced me around for days without resolution. In my circumstance, they never sent my original card. After they flubbed that, they confirmed an upgrade was taking place and then never updated my account. Ultimately, they waited 4 days until the market crashed and knocked me out of eligibility for the upgrade despite already promising the new card had shipped and card stake was locked.
I gave this thing my best shot, but decided that this a company that only cares about advertising and onboarding more customers. They could care less about existing customers. This is just my opinion based on my own experiences.
Crypto.com wasn’t a good fit for me as I found the customer support to be dishonest and lacking in accountability.
This took a lot of time to write up and I didn’t do so just to rustle the feathers of CRO investors. I genuinely hope the best for them, but I do feel it’s important that people know what “support” is like with this company.
submitted by /u/Ephemeral_Dread
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