This is in reference about this post which is trending pretty hard right now – looking through the comment section I see that a terrible amount of people did NOT read the article and also not noticed the quotation marks around “Ether” – even though the headline is still a misleading in my opinion.
To make this clear; This bug was not found on layer 1, it was a second layer, called “Optimism“. And therefore this could not have been used to print unlimited Ether.
If something like this happens on a second layer – you can have unlimited Ether on it. But as soon as you try to convert back to layer 1, at some point the locked ETH will be fully drained. If it’s not already noticed by then, now everyone will see this layer is broken, and it will simply collapse. Basically all ETH locked on that layer 2 project is possibly lost to the hacker – however no real damage is done to the main chain, at least in terms of blockchain integrity.
tl;dr: top post right now is misleading as fuck. There was no bug on the main layer of Ethereum, this only happened on some layer 2 project. Read the articles.
submitted by /u/Maxx3141
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