A Ferrari stops and a smiling young man gets off. Everything he wears radiates “rich”. Everything cries “show off”. Yet this is exactly the point. He is coming to the camera, Fake smile of “success” still on his lips, and starts talking: “You know. I was poor (like you losers). But it didn’t stoped me from trying. And you shouldn’t too. Stop nagging and start trying. I am here for you guys! (Yes. It is pure altruism which drives these guys).”
He even gives away the first dose of his magical “be rich in a month” telegram channel for free. Just like my old neighborhood’s dealer. Only what that dealer has sold actually worked. His magical channel gives 10 or more “buy” signal per day which “magically” around 50% of which turns out to be true! But hey! “What is with all negativity?” he tells his followers on Instagram. And god there are so many of them.
The “premium” version of his telegram channel has around 100k members. Each paying around 20$ per month for subscription. Which means 2 million dollar per month just from his telegram subscribers. but that’s not the only method of income crypto influencers have. He just need to say “buy (put a random shotcoin in here)” and that shitcoin will indeed goes “to the moon”, Usually for few days or week before everyone panic sells. Those who made a quick buck will worship him even more and those who didn’t, well, they should grow the fuck up and “understand that it is all a part of the road to success”. He is not lying tho. It is all a part of the road to success, his road.
Now think about the above scenario. Not only he can buy that coin before the pump and sell at the top, he (like most influencers) can charge a tone of money for advocating that same coin. Two birds with one stone if I ever saw one.
With that kind of cash flow, famous crypto influencers can afford an extremely luxurious and joyful life and all they need to do is to show it off on social media to attract even more cluless victims. That’s why they love to show off their wealth so much. The message is clear. “You can be a winner too! You just need to follow my model.” It is a dream comes true for them. A dream which spells nightmare for thousands.
I always hated influencers. They are champions of a system who triumphs on making people hate themselves and their life. A system made on top of people insecurities to sell them more and more junk they don’t need. Everything about them is fake, everything fabricated. Body, face, smile and even happiness and love. But crypto influencers are even worst. Not only they do all the things that usual social media influencers are doing, They are literally using ponzi schemes in broad daylight to rob people who trusted them.
Tldr: fuck crypto influencers. They are even worst then Kardashians.
submitted by /u/Successful_Craft3076
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