I know I know. Rich people spend millions all the time, but when we are facing a worldwide child hunger crises that is far surpassing the annual 3,000,000 child hunger deaths we had pre-virus, giving this guy Clout in the media is a FK’N Travesty.
That’s just one clip from dozens of articles we see everyday in dozens of countries.
Now, I’m not trying to push sob stories here, it’s really the poor principles we let run wild in today’s world.
You have to think about this stuff. Start talking more about it, and inform as many as possible that our choices on who to champion have to change, and it’s better to do whatever you can to make life better as a whole for everyone else. I’m not talking miracles here. Just help when you can. See your neighbors trash can tipped over, pick it up. See a car broke down on the side of the road. Stop. At least 100 cars drive by someone broken down before someone stops. Most of those people driving by will say “ah.. they’ll be fine. Someone will stop for them”.
That’s just the point. There’s not enough people stopping to help out.
the end.
submitted by /u/Some1fromReddit
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