I feel like all I do on here anymore is rant, but seriously? I am not from the US, so not an expert on all of this, but quick summary what happened:
Last October, it became public, that some Fed officials had been trading stocks and bonds that could be influenced at least indirectly by their decisions. And, weirdly enough, it seems this wasn’t against any rules – and to be fair, this doesn’t necessarily need to be shady in any way, but it’s a really bad look. Some people had to leave their positions, even though nothing illegal happened, this was a pretty bad look.
Okay, so now they approved rules banning their officials from doing that. This is very reasonable. Should it have been done earlier? But, considering things happened already, is there anything better they could have done? I mean… not really? They reacted appropriately. There were no rules, this was bad, now there are rules. No reason to praise them for it, but they did the correct thing.
So what does this sub do? You can guess it, “government bad”. Read the replies in this post, or the ones in his even worse post titled “Feds get caught insider trading, government says OOPSIE”. Let me quote a few:
“This is just stupid” “This will just make shit worse” “Oh so now they want to prohibit it after all the years they made millions upon millions of dollars.” “In completely unrelated news the average net worth of thr spouses of these employees has gone up 500%” (yes, of course this is prohibited now as well, as you would know if you would actually read any article) “Fuck the government and the feds. They only do shit that benefits themselves.” “They’re all fucking crooks” “Rules are beneath us. – Governments, prolly.”
People, what do you want? This is an example of a government body seing a bad situation and actually improving it. I am not a fan of the US government, but in this case, what tf do you want? Do you not understand the situation at all, or is the only situation you would say something positive about the government if they said “we give everyone 10 BTC!!!”?
Ugh. Sorry for the rant, but this is really ridiculous.
submitted by /u/mic_droo
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