I feel like this isn’t getting enough credit than it deserves.
Banano is a memecoin branch off Nano, but users are given free Banano when utilizing Folding @ Home.
For those that don’t know, people can use their computing power to run simulations of protein folding and movement of proteins. This can help with developing new cures.
Banano team is literally the #1 team with over the last couple of days, surpassing 1 TRILLION points.
This is just insane.
Covid Moonshot literally just found a new anti-viral and credits Folding@Home. And honestly, with Banano being the #1 team, that’s a huge accomplishment.
“We employed Folding@Home a worldwide distributed computing network where hundreds of thousands of volunteers around the world contributed computing power to create the world’s first exascale computing resource to compute the free energy of binding of all 20,000+ crowdsourced submissions”
“We also thank the numerous volunteers that contributed compound designs to the COVID moonshot and to the citizen scientist volunteers of Folding@home for donating their computing resources, and Amazon Web Services for key support of Folding@home infrastructure”
submitted by /u/Delusional_Mad
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