My portfolio is diverse but relatively very basic (see chart). I’m a bit of a newb. Started after reading this article a while ago by Fred Wilson, and I followed his recommendations and I just DCA weekly, trying to keep my percentages and buying to lower my average cost per token.
I read this sub regularly, and I keep seeing many shitcoins being shilled, and I am often tempted to buy stuff (I got very close to buying LRC). Anyway, I can’t get myself to buy new coins or meme coins (I honestly don’t see their point). Probably my most risquĂ© asset is CRO (Damn you Matt damon) or ATOM (Coinbase APY? Yes Please) , but to be completely honest, I don’t understand any of the new projects and I made a lot of effort just to wrap my head around tokens other than BTC and ETH…
Anyway, this below is my portfolio… Is there anything that you think is obviously missing? any obviously wrong percentage (like for example “oh my god, i can’t believe only 4% is in Matic!!”)
submitted by /u/aboustayyef
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