I don’t buy crypto to make money. I don’t hold because “lambos and I’ll be rich”. I buy and hold because it’s inevitable.
Blockchain opened a box that can’t be closed by anyone. The tech will advance and thrive with these ecosystems that are being built today. I don’t trust the government nor do I trust private entities. Blockchain is trustless I don’t need to trust someone to hold my future. Crypto has created a way to build a world where shit policy makers who are too old for their own good can’t close out innovation.
Who cares if I get rich, who cares if I go broke. The system is made to use us up and die alone and penniless. Blockchain is a major threat to every system in place where a few have been pillaging from the many.
I don’t care what the media says or what the best investors say, they don’t understand the change that is happening. I’m just a small fish in a big pond but I know what’s being built and the potential it holds. They want to scare everyday people away from what will one day take them down.
I buy and hold because it is inevitable.
submitted by /u/LiabilityFree
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