I see a lot of people wanting to support Ukrainians who are currently being invaded by fascist Russia.
Financially supporting the Ukrainian army or people who are suffering is a fantastic and noble thing to do. It’s the right thing do and the least most of us can do.
I wish I could buy the bullets that personally kill the Russian invaders. But it’s not that simple.
As we all know scammers have a vacuum for a heart and are trying to profit off of this crisis. “Ukrainian relief funds” are more than likely scammers accepting your thoughtful donations. Worse yet even Russians creating fake donations to soak up the funds for their cause.
The ONLY way I would donate is by sending it directly to someone you know of in Ukraine who needs it or can distribute it.
Do NOT let your guard down. Scammers will profit off of anything even this. Yes it is a new low.
submitted by /u/wpeironnet
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