Ukraine has published official addresses to accept donations for much needed supplies. Please, I’m asking you all to dig deep into your wallets and donate whatever you can.
Those of you who’ve been around the crypto space for a long time will remember when donations to good causes were lauded in the community as a way to grow the footprint of cryptocurrency as a way to transfer wealth across borders.
Right now, we should all invoke that same community giving mentality and put our Satoshis where our thoughts and prayers are. Dig deep, send what you can, and lets show the world why cryptocurrency is the future of finance.
If you’re a miner, point your rewards to Ukraine, if you’re staking, stake in the name of Ukraine, if you’re a hodler let your grip ease up in the name of a free and independent Ukraine. There is no middle-man here. Ukraine has official wallet addresses to accept donations. This is what crypto was made to be used for– So lets use it.
Note: If you do donate, please send the Transx # in the comments below along with an indication of the country you are from so your fellow crypto enthusiasts can give some love.
Proof of my identity can be found here.
submitted by /u/Vladimir-Putin
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