I was looking into the largest BTC addresses to see what the long-term strategies of different whales...
Day: February 28, 2022
submitted by /u/anon43850 [link] [comments]
I’ve been watching Dogecoin for quite a while now, it’s what brought me into crypto (a little...
Im mining Fiat right now so I am severely OOTL. What is going on to cause this...
submitted by /u/shalyar [link] [comments]
As the title says, it must be nice being so far removed from immediate danger that you...
Ukrainian minister requesting Crypto exchanges to block common citizens of Russia from using Crypto. He used the...
So far some less known crypto exchanges announced the suspention of accounts of whole Russian citizens and...
I was told from a very young age that life was difficult and that one needed to...
submitted by /u/decentralizedplanet [link] [comments]