This subreddit, and frankly reddit, and the people who come on reddit, are too anti-libertarian, too anti-cypher...
Month: February 2022
submitted by /u/SoonMoonn [link] [comments]
Crypto is not designed to be free of any law nor circumvent it to perform criminal activity.
1 min read
Cryptocurrency was meant to give financial power back to individuals and reduce the reliance on banks/other industries...
submitted by /u/OfficialNewMoonville [link] [comments]
Previously I have written about DCA strategy + buy the dip. The DCA part does the job...
Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Consider all...
I’ve been into crypto for a 3+ years and no many people around me knows about my...
Fed senior officials will soon not be allowed to trade crypto, stocks and bonds Is this a good call?
1 min read
Fed senior officials will soon not be allowed to trade crypto, stocks and bonds Is this a good call?
submitted by /u/moonkingdome [link] [comments]
Patience is so important. Most people in crypto are looking for a fast way to get financial...
Not trying to get political or anything, it’s just really worrying when the government can just freeze...