That’s right, in this day, it’s money. The Moola, the dinero, cash that’s the most important thing that I get out of cryptocurrency. All of that privacy jargon is cool and all, but I just heard Gas will hit $10 by EOY in California which means it will be close to $7 on the east coast. My taxes on a regular home went up 30% in two years, 2 slices of pizza, and a drink come out to $10, and now the town decided it was the perfect idea to TRIPLE OUR WATER BILL!
YES, they actually tripled it. Turns out the previous mayor didn’t pay the water bill from the other city we get water from for like 8 years!. Great that I have to pay for the previous home owner’s water bill. Why not right? But the absolute worst thing about what we are going through right now is the idea that “crypto is the problem” and it’s being used as one of the scape goats in the Ukraine/Russia war. God, people are so FKing stupid to believe this shit.
The more we change, the more we stay the same.
submitted by /u/Some1fromReddit
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