submitted by /u/Laughingboy14 [link] [comments]
Day: March 1, 2022
Switzerland and Swiss banks are notorious for privately safeguarding trillions of dollars worth of assets to keep...
submitted by /u/RohanShah1985 [link] [comments]
Was just discussing this with a friend the other day and figured I’d share it here as...
Welcome to the Monthly Skeptics Discussion thread. As the title implies, the purpose of this thread is...
If 144 million people can move markets in an instant, what happens when mass adoption truly begins?
2 min read
Russia has about 144 million people within it’s territory (contested and non contested). After sanctions and severe...
submitted by /u/Wabi-Sabibitch [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/wagnertamanaha [link] [comments]
A lot of people are rooting for big exhanges like Binance and Kraken to freeze Russian people’s...
Sitting at the desk and doomscrolling media. My roommate yells from his room: “Hey! You should look...