Switzerland and Swiss banks are notorious for privately safeguarding trillions of dollars worth of assets to keep away the prying eyes of financial authorities. Those with Swiss bank accounts are often uber-rich figures and entities looking for a safe haven to store their wealth.
According to recent statistics, Swiss banks hold over $6.5 trillion for their clients, roughly 25% of all global cross-border assets. Over time, as Swiss accounts ballooned in size, the Swiss government made it clear they are “neutral” and would not intervene to seize clients’ assets.
Crypto Can Be a ‘Swiss Bank in Your Pocket’
Many have been speculating across the media spectrum that Putin and Russia are planning on using crypto to evade the sanctions and measures such as this. Of course, this has been spun as FUD, by usual suspects like Elizabeth Warren. She doesn’t want Putin or Americans to have access to privacy through crypto in all reality.
No centralized entity can be trusted at all.
Those in power are doing everything they can to stop crypto from mass adoption. They don’t want people to become free.
Hold on to cryptocurrencies, our financial freedom and future depends on it.
submitted by /u/irfiisme
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