About Aavegotchi
Aavegotchi is an open source, community-owned NFT gaming protocol, built on the Polygon Network.
Aavegotchi NFTs are playable web3 avatars that act as interest-generating piggy banks, created by staking DeFi tokens directly into the NFT. Aavegotchis are dynamic NFTs, which means their metadata changes over time based on interaction with their owner. The more you love your Aavegotchi, the more valuable it becomes!
We are gearing up to launch an entire play-to-earn metaverse built around our ghostly frens, called the Gotchiverse. The first phase of the game is launching later this month and will feature ownable land parcels and four fair-launch, play-to-earn tokens, known as Gotchus Alchemica (ERC-20).
The Aavegotchi Ecosystem
Aavegotchi’s eco-governance token, the GHST Token, is the fuel for the Aavegotchi ecosystem. It is the base currency of Aavegotchi and can be used to purchase a variety of Aavegotchi NFT assets. GHST was recently listed on Aave’s Polygon market, becoming the first NFT governance token to be listed on a major defi protocol. The launch of the Gotchiverse will bring new use cases for GHST with the introduction of Gotchus Alchemica.
Enter the Gotchiverse
The Gotchiverse REALM is Aavegotchi’s metaverse, where players can explore, craft, battle and earn. Players can harvest the four elements of the Gotchiverse — “Gotchus Alchemica.”
Gotchus Alchemica are ERC20 tokens known as FUD, FOMO, ALPHA, and KEK. They can be used to craft installation NFTs within the Gotchiverse. These installations can be placed on your REALM parcel and upgraded for better results.
Gotchus Alchemica will be exchangeable through our native decentralized exchange: The Gotchus Alchemica Exchange (GAX). Initially, the GAX will support pairs of each element with the GHST Token. To incentivize liquidity on the GAX, an ERC20 Token called GLTR will be distributed to all liquidity providers. GLTR can be spent to reduce the building time of installations within the Gotchiverse.
With the launch of the Gotchiverse, our play-to-earn experience will rise to a whole new level. Players will be able to earn Gotchus Alchemica in three distinct ways: farming from their REALM parcels, channeling from the skies above, or by exploring the map and collecting it from the surface.
One of the most intriguing aspects of the Gotchiverse is the ability for our players to create NPCs as dApps directly on their REALM parcels. This creates limitless possibilities for earning. Anyone can set up a dApp to sell NFTs, create a minigame charging players a small fee to play, or even sell advertising space.
Accessibility: Gotchi Lending
One of the biggest problems NFT games face is scalability. How will NFT games scale to the levels of traditional video games, without sacrificing the scarcity of their underlying NFT assets? We’ve developed a solution to this problem in the form of Gotchi Lending.
Gotchi Lending is a major improvement on the scholarship model that other popular NFT games have adopted. Rather than dealing with a middle-man and going through a process prone to abuse, Gotchi Lending keeps the entire NFT sharing process 100% on-chain. This allows lenders to quickly and easily get their NFT assets into the hands of players without any risk to either party.
The lender sets the parameters of the Gotchi Lending smart contract, including upfront fee (if any), duration, and profit split. Once the lending period has ended the earnings are automatically dispersed and the Aavegotchi NFT is returned to its owner.
The free-to-play entry point for the Gotchiverse will come through “Lickquidator Credits.” Once available, Lickquidator credits can be earned through completing tasks, participating in airdrops, referring friends, and other ways in the Gotchiverse. Lickquidator Credits allow users to play as a Lickquidator, the villain of the Gotchiverse. The goal of Lickquidators is to collect loose Alchemica that has been spilled around the Gotchiverse. Lickquidators can also engage in combat against Aavegotchis and offensive Installations to earn Alchemica. We are already experiencing thousands of users per day and expect exponential growth of our user base when the free-to-play aspect is in place, removing all barriers of entry to the game.
We hope you’ll join us, and look forward to answering your questions!
Here today to answer your questions are:
Coder Dan – (CEO and Summoner of Aavegotchi) – u/cinnabarhorse
Jesse “gldnXross” Johnson – (COO and Summoner of Aavegotchi) – u/gldnXross
Gravy – (Director of Marketing and Reddit Admin) – u/Aavegotchi
We’ll begin answering questions at 10am EST and will continue answering for most of the day!
Useful Links:
Check out our official Wiki for everything you need to know about Aavegotchi and follow us on social media to join the frenliest community in crypto!
submitted by /u/Aavegotchi
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