And why is a million dollars “the thing”? Is that the bar for life changing money? I know some people say they want to be a millionaire jokingly but some people do want it, and of course some people have the means to attain that. But is that really what people in this sub realistically believe or is it more of a joke?
I genuinely don’t feel like I need that much. And hey maybe because the chances are low because I’m not rich but tbh I’d be very content with 50-100k. I started getting into crypto a year ago, like most people here now, and I didn’t hit 10k until 9ish months in. And that felt great. I understand everyone lives a different life so a ‘large sum of money’ is subjective. For you 1k is not a lot, for someone else it’s a milestone.
Maybe I’m associating life changing money with enough money to retire, but since that’s not realistic in my eyes (for me) I’m okay with enough to be “content” who knows. Is there a difference to you guys?
submitted by /u/Business-Typical
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