Crypto has been in the red for like five months now. That’s a lot of time we suffered here, a lot more than during the May crash. As this was a slow burn bear market steadily dropping like 10% each. That’s usually more pain than a 30% drop at once.
But we gotta stick in there get through all those loops to see the amazing view afterwards and just be able to say “yeah I was there one day”.
Don’t know about you guys but I personally did not check my portfolio since November. Also my chart watching has drastically reduced. But now slowly getting back. The pain is there when crypto drops like 10%, then jumps 5% to put in hope but then drops 10% again.
Don’t be afraid of that. Think of the day you will be there in the major bull market and tell all those newbies that you went through all that stuff.
submitted by /u/partymsl
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