So, I got into Crypto at the end of Octoberish…I think. I bought btc around 65k. It went up to 69k shortly after and we know the rest.
I heard the 100k by EOY and believed it. I didnt borrow money or invest anything I couldn’t afford to lose, but I bought into it. I listened to too many people on twitter and YouTube yell “TO THE MOOON”. I get it. No one wants to hear realistic discussions. They only want to hear hopium.
But you have Saylor and Rao Paul, Plan B talking about BTC going to a million or 10 million. Then you have this demonization of selling. Paper hands bad. Diamond hands good. HODL HODL HODL!!!
You ever think the reason why is so they can buy and sell between 45k and 38k, make you hold so they can bounce the price up and down and get rich while we sit around and wait for them to let us make a little bread? Maybe they let us have 69k for a shot of hopium?? Idk man. It starts to shoot up and people fomo in so that rich dudes have someone to sell to.
They like crypto because of the low market cap and small supply when everyone holds. Low volume equals easy manipulation. They treat us like suckers…or maybe I just feel like one.
Am I overstating the obvious or completely wrong?
submitted by /u/pacawac
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