Edit: I swear, if another person says “that’s why I mostly hold BTC and ETH”… it makes no sense. About half the coins performed better than BTC since then. It’s fine to mostly hold BTC and ETH, but this is not a reason to do so.
A year ago, the marked looked pretty great. Almost everything had been almost exclusively going up for a year, especially since November 2020. BTC was at 56k, higher than it had ever been before, and would soon reach over 60k.
Today, the situation is more complicated. The market in general has been going up and down a lot in the past year. Currently, the sentiment on here seems rather bearish, so I was curious: if we don’t just look at BTC but the general market, how much worse, if at all, does the situation look today? If someone started their crypto journey a year ago today and bought a coin, how likely is it they made a profit?
So I scraped historical data from a year ago today from Coinmarketcap and today’s prices. I looked at all coins that were in the top 200 a year ago and checked how many of them are up and how many of them are down.
There were 8 stablecoins in the top 200 back then, which of course did not really go up or down, so there are 192 remaining. Of these, 48 (25%) increased in price since then. LUNA (+756%), SOL (+481%), MATIC (+397%) and MANA (+395%) performed the best since then. 22 coins (11%) at least doubled in this time frame.
On the other hand, of course, that means 144 (75%) of all coins in the top 200 back then lost value. 83 (43%) of all coins lost more than half of their value and 35 (18%) lost more than 70%. That’s not looking too great. The coins that performed the worst are CyberVein (-98%), ZKSpace (-96%) and Bitcoin Standard Hashrate Token (-95%) – and I have never heard of either of them. From the slightly better known coins, the top losers are NEM, The Graph (both -84%) and SushiSwap (-83%). As a GRT hodler that hurts, even though I’m still up from the price I bought.
What does all of this mean? Well, not that much, but I guess it’s obvious that, for the first time in a while, we are pretty obviously in a downward trend and have been for a while. Some would argue it is definitely a bear market (and using a classic definition from other markets we absolutely are), some would probably define everything that isn’t a negative trend for multiple years, like 2018-2020, just temporary and not a real bear market. I have absolutely no idea what will happen next – crash, crabbing along or start of the next crazy bull run – but I thought this might interest some of you as well.
submitted by /u/mic_droo
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