With the reports just coming in. US Inflation has now hit 7.9% up from 7.5% one month ago that was already over any expectations. And the UK inflation is at 5.5% a 30-year high! Also is to consider that the currently war tensions that are just beginning to unravel itself, are not even priced in. Due to that it indeed is likely that the FED raises rates to combat the highest inflation in 40 years!
With the war happening the inflation will only rise more and even if the markets are in a very dire situation and just on the edge, so that a FED hike could cause a massive market crash its still too high of a inflation and the FED would take the risk of a market crash to combat that record inflation.
The FED is very regularly hiking rates, during times of way less inflation. So it’s foolish to think they now won’t. They definitely will, if not this year then the next one. I would honestly just want but to happen now so that we are over it.
Also Crypto has seen rallies during rate hikes so we could do so again.
submitted by /u/partymsl
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