Well, here we are. After an exciting year in 2021, the cryptocurrency space is becoming a ghost town, like the elders from 2017 prophesied.
I am not just talking about prices, which has been depressed for a few weeks now ; the hype surrounding our ecosystem is fading. Google Trends clearly shows that searches for terms like “bitcoin”, “NFT” and “crypto” are at their lowest level since summer, and the activity on this sub has been falling off a cliff. The Daily barely have 2k comments…
But here’s the deal : I am convinced that, in a few years, people will look at that slump as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you are still holding, or even better, DCAing, you’re gonna make it. Well, probably.
Every single person that was there in 2017 told me the same thing : those who bought and hold during the brutal bear market made insane amount of money when the bull came back. And, from a long-term perspective, there is a lot of reasons to be bullish. Ethereum will finally switch to proof-of-stake in about three months, Bitcoin has been hold surprisingly well against growth/tech stocks, a lot of new protocols are being worked on/launched, Biden basically told us last week the US will regulate – but not ban – cryptocurrencies…
Could the prices get lower in the next few weeks? Absolutely. Inflation, war, recession : it’s possible that we drill further down. But if you hold through this tumultuous period, you will emerge on the other side wealthier.
It is in moments like these that characters are forged. I hope that in ten years you can look back on this time and be proud that you stayed true to your convictions!
submitted by /u/busterrulezzz
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