Here are seven things I look for when conducting research.
Market capitalization (MC) is the total amount of money invested in a coin. When you invest in a coin, you raise its market capitalization. This is why I prefer investing in coins with low MC ($10,000-$1,000,000) because more people have yet to discover and invest in those coins. As a result, the potential for 1000X is greater.
Wallet Holders –WH is the total number of crypto wallets that hold a coin. While I don’t usually bother myself with this because new coins have a small number of wallet holders. If I’m considering purchasing a coin, I look at how quickly its wallet holders are growing. Liquidity Pool – LP is what allows you to buy and sell coins. Developers are frequently required to put down initial liquidity at launch, and they can withdraw all of the money from the pool at any time. This is known as a rug pull. As a result, you must ensure that LP is permanently locked. Community –The growing community of a coin is one of the secrets to its rising price. How quickly is the community expanding? I track this by checking the number of Twitter and Telegram followers on a daily basis. I also check the Twitter search results to see how frequently the coin is mentioned. Use case –I used to be an aficionado of use cases that I invested $500 in Chainlink back in 2019 with really no profit. Until God humbled me by providing me with a Shiba Inu for the same price. Regardless, use case is the problem a coin is trying to solve or the service it provides. Marketing & Partnerships –It is a good sign when a coin actively seeks to expand its partnerships with other projects. Partnerships also contribute to the project’s visibility, competence, and legitimacy. As M&P, I also consider CMC, CG, and CEX listings. Team –By reaching out to the team via DM, you can get a sense of whether or not they can be trusted. Your spirit guided by God can tell you how competent they are and whether they will be able to see their project through to completion based on their answers to Q&A on their live.
Hope this has been helpful to all of you! Cheers!
submitted by /u/Hislerim
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