I did everything I was supposed to do:
I bought ADA at $1.2 bucks, then I held for a good period of time and while I held, I DCA’d up to an average of $2.7 bucks. I bought even more at $2.9 bucks, so my average purchase price is a bit off. BUT I am slightly annoyed at the fact that I am not a millionaire by now.
I should be shooting pool with the sticks of the other rich folks. In fact, they should be shooting pool with my stick, and they should be doing it over and over again – back and forth. I would have invited crypto bros to sit and watch by luring them in with empty promises of cheap whores and weed. I got into crypto over a year ago and am not rich yet! Can you believe that!?
TLDR: It’s all your fault. You made me this way, I should have been rich, because I have a stack of ADA and got into crypto a year ago.
P.S Have a great weekend, and buy more ADA nfa, so I can become a millionaire.
submitted by /u/Lee911123
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