I started investing in May last year after the fall of the epic bull run, and ever since I’ve thrown basically all my spare fiat into crypto. I put aside $50-$100 into a savings account every time I get paid, and then basically any spare dollar went straight into my exchange account.
Before crypto, any spare dollar I had went straight into weed, booze or partying and I’d sit there waiting for the next pay cheque to arrive. Although I most definitely had fun, it felt like I wasn’t “going anywhere” with my money.
Thanks to this magic internet money I’ve become drawn to invest and have my money work for me… I finally can understand Mr Buffet’s infamous ”If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”
It took me a few months to build up the courage and start staking my crypto and what a difference that has made. I’m chipping away at a house deposit which until recently felt like a pipe dream.
Fuck the banks first and foremost, if they offered anything close to what crypto can, then we wouldn’t all be pulling our funds from traditional banks.
TLDR; DCA, HODL and stake. Nuff said
submitted by /u/Environmental_Point3
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