This month is the birthday month of Safemoon, a month full of surprises and presents!
Here’s everything that has happened so far.
March 3rd 2022
They begin by changing the safemoon domain to .com address.
They also release a new video showing new logos, wallpapers and concept art they created. According to the video, the shapes and colors capture and display the soul of Safemoon and the SafemoonArmy. People are impressed, they believe they put a lot of effort to create these and it’s probably the first original thing they created.
A few hours later, some reddit users find the logos for sale online:
Seems like 90% of the logos were stock images and renders that were recolored. This is the Safemoon way.
March 4th 2022
They announce an agreement with Moonpay, the service they use to buy BNB to exchange for Safemoon for 0% fees on purchase starting from the 5th of March for 14 days.
March 5th 2022
New Safemoon wallet update!!!
Many people still complain the built in calculator crashes the app.
March 6th 2022
They announce that safemoonswap will support cross chain swaps beginning March 23rd. We shall see how this goes.
March 7th 2022
A new token listing, Reflex token. Another in a series of dodgy, cringe tokens that promise the world but deliver nothing. As I say in a past post, every shitcoin in its death throes that wants a final pump before completely vanishing from existence goes to Safemoon and asks for a partnership. If you check all the tokens they have listed in the past month, you can see the classic pump and dump pattern. I am sure some people make a lot of money each time a new token is listed.
Edit: Every token that wants to get listed on Safemoonswap has to pay ~$100k to Safemoon. The token creators use the army to pump and dump and the Safemoon teams gets a nice bonus. Everyone wins. Except the army as always.
March 8th 2022
They announce that they are working on scripts to identify people who lost money migrating their tokens from v1 to v2 and refund them.
For anyone who doesn’t know, Safemoon decided to migrate from v1 to v2 in order get listed on more exchanges as the main problem preventing them was that the price “had too many zeroes” as they said (bs). The 1000:1 migration was voluntary but then people started taking advantage of the price difference between v1 and v2 to make money.
In their infinite wisdom, the Safemoon team decided to implement a 100% tax on any v1 transactions and announce it only a couple hours before in order to force people to migrate. For weeks anyone who wasn’t actively following their twitter/discord/reddit lost all their money due to the tax. People got together, created a subreddit in order to discuss how to proceed and decided to do a lawsuit. If I remember correctly they gave them until the 9th of March to respond about what would happen to their lost money.
March 9th 2022
The brother of the CEO, Charles Karony announces that he leaves his position as Vice President of Safemoon in order to return to college and complete his degree.
That normally wouldn’t be a bad thing but if you look in the last year of Safemoon’s life, every single member who had any role in it has left and is currently living a life full of luxury and travels, something weird as some of them before were no name twitch streamers with 0 viewers and small unknown DJs. Something certainly smells here…
March 10th 2022
Safemoon CEO John Karony wins Utah’s 2022 CEO of the year. Every single nominee in the list was also a sponsor of the awards.
March 15th 2022
John Karony attend SXSW and gets interviewed.
March 16th 2022
Huge whale sells adds a zero to the price. A giant red d**do on the charts screws up everyone. This is going well….
A couple more things I saw today that have nothing to do with the birthday but everything with safemoon.
The treasury wallet of Safemoon, a wallet they use to fund their business expenses by siphoning a portion of the taxes after every transaction holds 31.099 billion safemoon worth almost 35 million dollars. The wallet is so big that it drains a big portion of the reflections meant to go to holders of the token. You can check it here The blockchain wizard Thomas “Papa” Smith that once said Ripple offered him $2 million dollars to work for them, a core member of the team that left a few months ago, now says that he was actually a contractor and we just assumed his role was to code. This guy is clearly high again.
A user on discord asks John Karony about the 2 blockchains he mentioned in a CNBC article. His response: “we built a blockchain or two to test things”. 20 days ago he mentioned that the actual coding hadn’t even started yet and that it is only 10% of the process, the other 90% is prep work. He clearly doesn’t know what he is doing.
submitted by /u/SecretProfessional65
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