Hello everyone and welcome to Moon Week for round 24 of Moons! For more information about Moons, please see our wiki page here or the Community Points page by the admins here.
Moon Week began yesterday with the snapshot post by the admins. The ratio is at least 0.442 and you can check out the post and comments to see how many moons you’ll be getting next Wednesday at the end of Moon Week.
We have an unusual Moon Week this month, with no polls to vote on, but polls should be back next month. This is because governance has slowly approached a point of gridlock and nothing has passed in a few months outside of a fairly unanimous poll with 92% approval. Others, even with ~80% approval, have not reached the participation threshold despite significant promotion and participation. This is due to the Decision Threshold, which only looks at the entire Moons supply and does not account for the amount of Moons which have been sold, moved out of vaults, or belong to users who are banned (about 1.3 million). Estimates seem to indicate that about 60% of voting weight remains in vaults at this time.
Fortunately, we have been speaking with the admins about how Moons are going, including a live call with them and they have reacted very quickly to our priority items like this one. Nano kindly put together a guide on some recent updates to Moons and two changes to Moons I would like to highlight are:
Deleted posts no longer earn moons (bad actors were using this as a loophole to farm with reposts and evade detection). This was already implemented in the latest snapshot The Decision Threshold will be calculated based on eligible voting Moons instead of circulating supply. This will effectively resolve the gridlock on governance and implementation is currently expected before next Moon Week
While we don’t have polls this month, there are a lot of exciting proposals in development in r/Cryptocurrencymeta! Please head on over there to give your input on those ideas. You can see what’s currently in the pipeline here. Ideas include dynamic karma caps, moon retention modifiers for users and mods, negative karma removal, and a slower on-ramp for new members to limit alt-account abuse! Please also check past proposals to see if there were any unsuccessful ones you liked that you’d like to sponsor running again.
Thank you for reading!
submitted by /u/CryptoMods
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