Title says it all, NFT platforms are going to find out pretty quickly that letting the average public mint anything they want as an NFT is going to mean you are going to get SO MUCH copyright infringement as people just cut and paste (and poorly at that!) known works into some awful google grabbed background image and try and sell it.
Turns out that the average public is pretty ready to open themselves up to legal action due to their ignorance.
Ironically all these NFT minters are more likely to be minors rather than miners which does go a long way to explain their actions. Can’t wait for one of these children to try and put a Nintendo mascot on a jpeg and wonder why that car full of lawyers have just parked outside Mummy and Step Daddy’s house.
I think they are confused between posting an image for free to a public form like Reddit where the action is questionable but as no money is directly changing hands is generally ignored and confusing that being okay to trying to sell the same image as an NFT.
I guarantee that corporations will find this action SIGNIFICANTLY less okay.
Personally, while I see so much potential for NFTs when handled professionally. I wouldn’t touch any platform that allows general public to mint anything completely unvetted and unfiltered because they are going to be slammed with sooooo many legal costs they are going to struggle to stay solvent.
submitted by /u/xavierwest888
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