I know it can be sad if you bought at the all time high. But all I can recommend to you is to be patient. This surely was not the last all time high.
However, it is a matter of fact that the majority of investors that have bought at those all time high prices have already sold their stack.
source: https://decrypt.co/94184/most-bitcoin-investors-bought-at-all-time-high-have-sold
It is also a matter of fact that at least for BTC and ETH, the vast majority of investors are in profits.
source: https://app.intotheblock.com/
Most of us who are still around here are no broke gambling addicts. We are patient investors that are mostly in profits. Most of us are curious and excited of whats ahead. So please, just let people enjoy things.
submitted by /u/Ornery_Maintenance_8
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