Just logged into my app to check the charts like I do every 5 minutes and this just came up.
Currently it is in beta and not offered to all users. It is a subscription service that costs $29.99/month and will waive all trading fees on the app(still could be effected by spread) and it will protect your account against unauthorized access up to $1,000,000 worth. It also says 24/7 customer phone support too.
I don’t see myself using this since I hardly buy on the app and use cb pro for my crypto buys. Even with the 0.5% fee and spread fee I would need to be buying at least $6000 in non stablecoin crypto to make it worth the monthly subscription fee.
The added protection is a good selling point though that makes me consider it since I mainly keep about $2000 in USDC on there to pay my bills with their coinbase card for the 4% cashback. Knowing that my card/funds are safe from unauthorized hacks is nice. I’m not one to be hacked though and haven’t had any issues with my CB account in the 4-5 years I have had it and the 9~ months I have had the card
submitted by /u/BushyOreo
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