India is known to be the world’s largest democracy. But the government there has always been very backward. That’s why in spite of all the man power and brain power, it’s still a third world country.
CEO of Google, Microsoft, IBM, Adobe, Twitter etc. are all Indians.
Think about where India could be if these people were not forced out of the country because it’s still too backward to support tech innovation.
India missed out on leading the world in the 90s with the internet. India will once again miss out on leading the world in Bitcoin and crypto innovation.
I read the Indian Finance Minister saying the tax laws are supposed to discourage gambling in crypto.
Well congrats! With your ignorance and short sighted thinking you have just screwed your country out of the biggest opportunity to turn India into a first world country and global superpower.
Will any Bitcoin and crypto startup invest in India now? No chance in hell! You will lose trillions of dollars of investments and even more brain power will leave India and support foreign economies.
I feel sorry for people in India. You should look to move to progressive countries that are not afraid of innovation and have the courage to lead.
India is doomed to be a poor country forever because of third world mentality. What a waste when so many smart people come from India.
submitted by /u/KAX1107
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