Trust me, this is a lesson I had to learn the hard way. I used to constantly do this. I initially listened to this sub’s advice and invested in a bunch of really good coins, and my plans was to leave all those investments grow and not touch it, but new and exciting coins kept popping up like Ada and Matic and Algo and a bunch of others, so I sold the coin in my portfolio that was performing the worst and I bought the new one, but that only ever lost me money, ’cause by the time I bought it was usually near the ATH. The only exceptions to this were Ada and Algo.
I’m not saying never sell your investments if you think it’s time, but don’t be impatient, and always leave some fiat available in case new coins pop up that you want to invest.
Like Yahtzee said once, don’t try to build your house in front of a moving boat, or you’ll just have a bunch of unfinished houses by the end.
submitted by /u/Supercharmeleon
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