Isn’t it absurd? If you told anyone in your friend group you’re about to buy a house, they’d think you won the lottery or got a super high-paying job. Back in the time of our parents, being able to afford a house and a car and summer vacationing with the kids was pretty normal. Not everyone could, of course, but it wasn’t impossible for the common person.
Now, it’s a pipedream at best. And newer generations are getting more and more demoralized by the fact most salaries are barely enough to rent an apartment and nothing else, even working 8 hours a day. Labor is being exploited. The “economy” grows, yet we don’t benefit from those riches, we just work to make other people billionaires.
And it sucks. It makes me really fucking angry, and I’m one of the lucky ones. The idea of an “advanced economy” should mean that people earn more and have to spend less time working to enjoy their life more. Instead, it’s the total opposite.
Now I won’t say crypto will make everything better instantly. I doubt it’ll make most things better before 2030. But it’s an option. It’s something that can help those in need a little bit, and once it grows it’ll be able to do even more.
That’s why I’m grateful. Thanks to crypto, maybe some day I’ll be able to own my own house. And that’s something I couldn’t have dreamed about before.
submitted by /u/Supercharmeleon
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