So I am a huge DCA and hold guy. I have not once sold any coins for fiat. I have traded some coins for other coins when I wanted to move into a different project, but for fiat, no. That is until yesterday. I have a liquidity pool farm that makes me a pretty nice daily return. I am not going to mention on what plarform or the amounts because I am not here to shill. Anyway I have been religiously reinvesting my harvests and putting back into LP. I have also been trying to spend less frivilously so that I can invest more. That includes eating out less which I think is a good choice, but it is nice to go and enjoy an evening out sometimes. My farm was ready to harvest, but instead of my usual compound back into it, I converted it into stablecoin. Then I sent it from my defi to my cefi where I have a debit card attached. I put that on to my card and took my wife out to dinner. I paid for dinner with my profit and got a percent back in crypto. It felt really awesome to pay for our night out with my profits. I am not ready to start cashing in, I am still DCA and hold, but remember that sometimes its ok to enjoy the here and now. Ok back to HODL and no wasteful spending.
submitted by /u/CommonBill7098
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