I see so many people who say things like
“..that’s because they have VC money now.”
“[x] just invested in Bitcoin. Great now they’re going to manipulate the market”
“Banks are investing now? What happened to ‘Bitcoin is for fraudsters’ >:( huh?”
And many more.
Like, what the fuck do you expect? Crypto to take off and the worlds billionaires and millionaires to not get with the program?
You should be happy that as more big institutional money enters the crypto world, the total crypto marketcap increases, raises all boats and you, having already been invested, are making profits. Y’all need to accept that the people you don’t like have access to the same information that you do and they are going to invest in your coins. That’s the whole point. That’s what we’re here early for. To take advantage of the relatively small marketcap right now so we can be well off in 10 years when inevitably the MC will be probably 5+ trillion.
P.s. stop buying coins that influencers are telling you to buy. Please.
You are their exit liquidity.
submitted by /u/KuciMane
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