An obvious LARP just removed their post because they wrote an elaborate story about how they made millions and subsequently asked the crypto community how they should move forward. It was the most cringe, unaware, unconscious post I’ve seen here in a while. Everyone roasted it. I dug into their post history, and it was one after another about similar stories. Red flag.
One of my favorite things about this platform is the post and comment history. None of us are perfect, but you can tell if someone is coming from a real place if you piece together their engagement in the community. Your intuition knows when someone is being disingenuous. Not to say people can’t change their minds and have different points of view, but if you’re reading an obvious agenda from someone’s work, there’s most likely something askew.
I thought this might be a good reminder since we’re dealing with investments and potential life goals and financial freedom.
submitted by /u/ipetgoat1984
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