While this sub actively wants that as many countries and people as possible would use Crypto as an actually currency so that it replaces the dollar in a more decentralized way. On the other side we all also want that Crypto just keeps doing 10x every year so that we make a lot of money.
Don’t know about you but having something as a world currency that occasionally does a 10x up and down, seems chaotic to say the least.
And I personally think it’s completly okay to see Crypto as a investment than a currency right now. But I would also say that at one point Crypto will be so big that it would be stabke on the price. Meaning we won’t see any major dips but also not any 10x or so over a short period. This may be the only way of Crypto as a currency.
Obviously we all want to make some money but the greater cause of Crypto wouod not fulfill that. And I’m ready that one day Crypto won’t be as fun as today but more useful to everyone.
submitted by /u/partymsl
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