submitted by /u/allstater2007 [link] [comments]
Month: March 2022
As we are know in a bearish sentiment for about five months of deep and slow bleeding,...
Almost a year ago I’ve started to invest in crypto. I don’t have much money left to...
How about instead of making fun of people down ~40%, we applaud them for buying at or near the ATH.
1 min read
I know there has been a chain of posts addressing each other recently so I’ll keep this...
This is just my experience, but I’ve found that it’s usually better to keep your crypto leaning...
Good news, everyone: NFT interest is rapidly dwindling. This indicates that the overall momentum of the...
Bitcoin has never failed – EVER – it may be volatile in USD price but that’s not the point!
1 min read
Bitcoin has never failed – NEVER – the protocol has remain sound and unhacked for over a...
This story is so interesting to me. In 2014, Overstock became the first large stock company to...
submitted by /u/philosouf [link] [comments]
My best friend knows I loved crypto so much I annoyed him talking too much about it...