submitted by /u/Feodal_lord [link] [comments]
Month: March 2022
Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Consider all...
submitted by /u/diggipiggi [link] [comments]
What’s the deal here? You will question every well-researched article if it’s coming from any “MSM” with...
What if… Coinbase/Kraken/, etc. Don’t buy the coins when you “buy” on their site Don’t sell the...
submitted by /u/Dwez1337 [link] [comments]
Today Joe Biden signed into effect an executive order directing federal agencies to coordinate their efforts at...
submitted by /u/Yener07 [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/CryptoAddict420 [link] [comments]
But they did because of greed while holding it so they can make more money. How many...