Wattum noticed an unknown Bitcoin whale has been loading up on over 100,000 BTC valued over $3B USD during the market downturn. It is apparent that a billionaire sees value in BTC at the low $20,000 range. Could this have been an institution like BlackRock? If they bought call options on COIN near the bottom when this wallet started accumulating BTC in bulk, then yesterday’s pump to $116 was a huge payday. Buying Bitcoin is certainly a much faster method to acquire BTC compared to mining. Regardless, let’s keep on mining and stacking.
Check BTC wallet “1LQoWist8KkaUXSPKZHNvEyfrEkPHzSsCd” on Bitinfocharts.
“It only took three days for this mysterious whale to make all the purchases: 15,499 BTC, worth $345.9 million, on July 19.
Since then, the purchases have become more substantial: on July 20, the whale made another purchase worth 45,499 BTC. This amount equates to $1,060 million at the time of purchase.
Finally, on July 21, this whale fortified his wallet by amassing 71,879 BTC worth $1.64 billion, according to data compiled by BitInfoCharts.
With these purchases made in a row, this new whale has been pushed to third place on the list of wallets with the most BTC available on BitInfoCharts. Currently, this new whale owns 0.70% of BTC in circulation.
The overall balance of this wallet is currently 132,878 BTC with a current value of $3.01 billion.”
submitted by /u/wattumofficial
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