Do not do it
Nothing good can come from this. Most of you are no where near emotionally and mentally equipped to talk about crypto without sounding like a child excited about the new Pokémon card set.
With all that in mind. If you still want to talk about crypto, without sounding like you joined a cult, here are a few pointers, I personally have found success with.
Make sure crypto isn’t the only thing you can talk about. This may sound obvious because I’m hoping it is. One of the best ways not to sound fanatical about crypto, or anything else for that matter. Is to be fully capable of talking about anything else. There is no better way to look completely out of your mind than to talk about crypto every chance you get.Show you have other interests, that are hopefully not related in the slightest to crypto.
Do not stand on a soap box, whenever you start talking about crypto. This should go without saying, but I will say it nonetheless. Do not preach to people the good news of Bitcoin. You are not there to convert anyone.
Avoid going on a tangent on conspiracies surrounding the government and crypto. Nothing screams wacko alert like a good ol’ fashion “the government is behind the recent attacks on crypto” that then descend into MKultra, crop circles, and jet streams.The best thing to do is let anyone curious enough, stumble into that rabbit hole on their own.
Listen to the points and concerns brought up by those you converse with. It’s easy to try to drown out any possible retort to your points by going on and on about how great crypto is. It is most important that you allow people to express their views and points on the subject, creating room for a discussion, and not an argument.
Don’t embarrass someone for not having all the facts on crypto. No better way to guarantee someone closing themselves off from ever listening to you again, than by embarrassing them. Even if their talking points are outdated, completely irrelevant, or misinformation. Do not relish in knowing more than them, and definitely do not rub it in their face. When discussing cryptocurrencies always try to present yourself as a repository of information to answer questions, misconceptions, and doubts. Never try to take the role of evangelizing crypto, all you have to do is look at actual religion to see that it isn’t the popular way to get to folks.
Edit: Thanks u/swipey_mcswiper for a great #6
Admit the limitations of crypto. People will take you much more seriously and be willing to talk with you if you’re not grinding the axe of “crypto is perfect in every conceivable way.” Because it isn’t. Sometimes someone will bring up an objection and the right answer is “Yep. That is a problem. We’ll have to see how that pans out.”
submitted by /u/Astrochrono
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