Apparently, it’s Altcoin Season time! Congrats!
Although this may be not what you expected an Altseason to be, we are in fact in one right now. There’s a pretty clear definition, let’s have a look:
“If 75% of the Top 50 coins performed better than Bitcoin over the last month/90 days/year, it is Altcoin Month/Season/Year”
Excluded from the Top 50 are Stablecoins and asset backed tokens)
So, it’s been both Altcoin Month and Altcoin Season!
Bitcoin dominance dipped below 40% and top altcoins generally outperformed Bitcoin during the last 90 days!
What does this mean for the future price action? Who the f knows! It’s just another lagging indicator that tells us what has happened before, not what will happen in the future.
Nevertheless, it’s pretty great to know we’re in an Altseason, isn’t it?
submitted by /u/inevitable_username
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