The sub is getting that tingly feeling again.
BTC and ETH have hit 30 day highs. The merge is nearly upon us. Surely winter must be thawing.
But buyer beware.
There will be a ton of “smart” sounding posts with all kinds of technical predictions that make it sound like gains are guaranteed.
The FOMO is coming.
It’s the same every time. No one knows the future no matter how much math they use to “prove” this breakout or that resistance.
And the Youtube shucksters will be out in full force too, pumping this coin or that as the next 10x, 100x gain if only you got in early enough (shh, don’t tell everyone, while they tell everyone.)
No one is giving out free info to make mad profits or crazy high yields if they don’t have something to gain/sell/manipulate.
It’s your hard earned money at risk.
Buyer beware (and enjoy the ride!)
submitted by /u/bkcrypt0
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