Many people in crypto forgot about investing in themselves. Only thing they seek is crypto profit, forgetting about more important things. Yes, money are goal for most of us, they can solve most our problems, but they won’t make you look better, be smarter or more interesting. If you think you are loser now, you will still be loser with money, unless you will change your mentality and lifestyle.
Biggest opportunity crypto give and also biggest curse is it took long time to make profits. Do not count on luck to make millions overnight, to have decent profits will most likely take you 5 or 10 years. Do you really want to waste few years of your life just watching charts doing nothing else? Unfortunately some people will. Don’t be like them.
If you think your life is boring, you are not interesting person that waste their time and crypto is your only opportunity to change that, then you do it wrong. Crypto can help you achive financial freedom, buy some nice things, but it won’t fix everything.
Let’s start with relationships… If you are alone, never even talked to a girl and have no friends crypto won’t fix that. If you think women only care about money, then even if you will become crypto milionaire, you will be just an ATM for everyone you know. Ofc if you will be able to even talk to woman with zero social skills, spending all your time alone thinking about crypto and things you will have thanks to it. Good clothes, fast car and ability to travel won’t make you interesting or socially skilled.
If you want to be healthy and start training do it now. It took months or years to lose weight and gain muscles to look good. You don’t need money or gym membership. Just change you diet a bit, eat less trashy&unhealthy food, run few times a week. You will feel better, you will like yourself more and other people will see it too. If you think making millions in crypto will magically do it for yourself…nope. You will still be in bad shape and have no energy to follow your dreams. Money do not fix that, no one will train and learn healthy habbits for you. Even with a lot of money, best personal trainer & professional diet nothing will change if you won’t put any effort. If you can’t spend 20/30 minutes daily to train now, you never will. You will always find excuses.
You want to retire thanks to crypto or just move out abroad? Money aren’t only problem, different language also is. You think you will learn after moving out? Nope, it will took months or years to be able to understand different language. If you always wanted to learn some language start now. Start learning just 15 minutes daily, in 2 or 3 years of small effort you will know the basics. Main problem with learning new languages aren’t money, but time and some good will. Also knowing another language give you more opportunities to move out sooner or to earn more in your job. Languages are a helpful tool that can give you more money to invest.
Learn more about finances, economy, investing, crypto and blockchain. May sound silly, but a lot of people in crypto learn nothing, they think gambling money on some random project will make them rich… Nope. Best investors try to learn on their mistakes and improve their tactics. Also even if randomly you will earn big money in crypto you will most likely lose them cause of your financial illiteracy. That is why knowlege is so important. Stop looking at charts or following tweeter or yt celebrities. Instead find good blockchain or crypto course. They are totally free, often made by top universities or other institutions, it will be well spend hours. More you know in crypto more oportunites will you have, and bigger chance of making profits.
TL;DR: Invest not only in crypto, but also in yourself. Training, learning new languages, becoming more socially skilled, gaining more knowledge will help you achieve your crypto goals.
submitted by /u/Nuewim
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