A few months ago I was super excited for Fantom and ita Solidly with Andre Cronje as a main developer. Super good tech, really bullish… boom main dev left, dust remains.
Next one JUNO. Awesome usecase, crazy fast, top tier Cosmos coin…boom down like a stone after whale fiasco.
LUNA came swiftly as a lightning and burned most of my saving in crypto over night.
Now ..Acala. Depeg after a hack due to the poor security in one of the pools.
Im starting to wonder why even continue at this point. I already lost 90% of my savings and I wasnt even dabbling with shitcoins or anything like that. People are saying they quadrupled their money since last bear..but here I am, only losing, never winning. Should I even continue?
submitted by /u/KirbyAteMyCoins
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