submitted by /u/kirtash93 [link] [comments]
Day: August 20, 2022
The title is true, but its also false based off of what collection you chose your PFP...
I know this goes with the feeling in your bones that the dips must be bought. I’m...
Tell me a project you missed the biggest opportunity on that could have changed your life For...
Dozens of BAYC Holders Nearing $5.3 Million Margin Call After Taking Out Loans Against Their NFTs
1 min read
submitted by /u/InvestingInStartups [link] [comments]
Over 1 Billion $ got liquidated. Bitcoin Plunged to $20.8K, Crypto Markets Erased $120B in 48 Hours
1 min read
submitted by /u/TarkovReddit0r [link] [comments]
I know this goes against the feeling in your bones that the dips must be bought. I’m...
I’m wondering if a dangerous precedent has been set when one of the Tornado cash developers was...
submitted by /u/kisstheraino [link] [comments]
Happening Now: South Africa’s central bank grants local banks permission to serve crypto to clients
1 min read
submitted by /u/nebula21399 [link] [comments]